Saturday, October 30, 2010

Outside help for education raises hackles | | The Indianapolis Star

Outside help for education raises hackles | | The Indianapolis Star

Outside help for education raises hackles

IPS wants the freedom to try to improve subpar schools itself


The proposed rule

If the state Board of Education found intervention would improve a failing school, it would have to implement one or more of these options:

Merge the school with one in a higher improvement category.

Assign a person or organization to run all or part of a school.

Implement its own recommendations for improvement.

Implement other options expressed in a public hearing, including closing the school.

Revise the school's procedures or operations plan; professional development; or intervention for teachers or administrators.

IPS schools affected

Arlington Community High School.
Broad Ripple High School.
Manual High School.
Northwest High School.
Donnan Middle School.
Gambold Middle School.
Howe Community High School.
Washington Community High School.

The superintendent of Indianapolis Public Schools on Friday outlined with passion how he thinks the state could improve chronically low-performing schools: Let the district create and implement its own improvement plan.

In particular, he and others at a state school board meeting said Friday, don't immediately hand management of those schools over to outside individuals or organizations -- one of five options the state has proposed.

"Across the country, these outside companies have taken over school districts to great fanfare," IPS Superintendent Eugene White said. "They fail, and they