Tuesday, October 5, 2010

NOT Waiting for Superman: What Kind of Education Reform Model Is Rhee? -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)

NOT Waiting for Superman: What Kind of Education Reform Model Is Rhee? -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)

NOT Waiting for Superman: What Kind of Education Reform Model Is Rhee?

October 5, 2010

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Dingerson said today: "While [Washington, D.C. Schools Chancellor] Michelle Rhee enjoys the media spotlight as 'Waiting for Superman' opens across the country, voters in the District of Columbia had a different message on her education reform agenda. On September 14, Rhee's boss, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, was sent packing, after staking his re-election bid on his chancellor and her reform agenda. Rhee’s popularity in the District has plummeted over the last year, as her 'reform agenda' proved to consist of little more than teacher-bashing and firings. Parents and teachers know the difference between reform that supports schools and students, and reform that destabilizes schools, humiliates teachers and shuts parents out of the process."

"Proving Grounds: School 'Rheeform' in Washington, D.C." is a piece Dingerson recently wrote for Rethinking Schools. It states: "There’s nothing remarkably visionary going on in Washington. The model of school reform tha