Monday, October 25, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES


Jobs, jobs, jobs...

Pres. Obama turned to Apple billionaire Steve Jobs, last Thursday, for some education advice.White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters,
“They discussed American competitiveness and education, especially reforms such as the President’s Race to the Top initiative.” (USA Today)
You didn't have to be a fly on the wall to know what Jobs told the prez. It's likely the same thing he been saying for years about the problem with education:
I believe that what's wrong with our schools in this nation is that they have become unionized..."
According to some reports, Jobs is looking for support to keep congressional regulators away from Apple's door. Will Obama oblige? Good bet.

From Rand Paul's college frat newsletter
"Penguins and minorities tend to do badly on ACT, SAT, and other standardized tests." (Matt