Saturday, October 2, 2010

Liberal coalition rallies in Washington for jobs, education -

Liberal coalition rallies in Washington for jobs, education -

Liberal coalition rallies in Washington for jobs, education

By the CNN Wire Staff
October 2, 2010 10:09 a.m. EDT
  • "One Nation Working Together" rally starts Saturday morning at Lincoln Memorial
  • Liberal coalition wants more economic opportunities and better education
  • Rally comes five weeks after conservative Tea Party rally at same spot

Washington (CNN) -- Five weeks after Tea Party enthusiasts rallied in Washington and one month before mid-term elections, a coalition of liberal groups will have their turn on the streets of the U.S. capital.

The "One Nation Working Together" together rally kicks off Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall.

The alliance of progressive and liberal groups say they've joined together to demand more economic opportunities and better education.

Organizers claim a wide range of supporters, some of whom are already associated with liberal causes -- like union workers, environmentalists, gay activists and student leaders. But "One Nation" also claims backing from less obvious quarters -- like senior citizens, veterans and faith leaders.