Friday, October 29, 2010

Failing. � Fred Klonsky's blog

Failing. � Fred Klonsky's blog


The email arrived from the superintendent yesterday afternoon.

Our district failed to make Annual Yearly Progress according to No Child Left Behind.


We are a failing district.

Our students go on to Maine South in District 207. I hear they didn’t make AYP either.

And New Trier High School on the North Shore, with a college acceptance rate of over 98% and where they spend over $25,000 a year per student: Failure according to NCLB.

Will our school (among the top 50 performing elementary schools in the state) be closed? Will I be fired along with the rest of our staff. Will Arne Duncan and President Obama support our firing explaining that we are teachers who accept low expectations.

Will be featured in a new documentary financed by Bill Gates?