Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Answer Sheet - A different vision from a different superintendent

The Answer Sheet - A different vision from a different superintendent

A different vision from a different superintendent

This open letter was written by Supt. Jonathan P. Raymond of theSacramento City Unified School District. Dated Oct. 7, the message portrays a vision of how to improve schools that is far different from the one presented in the “reform manifesto” signed by 16 school superintendents and chancellors -- including Washington D.C.'s Michelle Rhee and New York City's Joel Klein -- and published in The Washington Post. That document is large on rhetoric and empty of substance. Raymond’s vision is a whole lot clearer.

Dear Colleagues:
From magazine covers to movie screens to MSNBC’s Education Nation, public schools are a growing topic of national discourse. This interest is understandable. With economic recovery slow, unemployment high and