Thursday, September 23, 2010

UC Davis professor tapped for Playboy honor roll

UC Davis professor tapped for Playboy honor roll

Karen Massie Last updated 12 hrs ago Posted: 9/22/2010

DAVIS, CA - When Playboy magazine hits newsstands Wednesday, University of California, Davis Professor Charles Bamforth will appear in a spread on the top 20 U.S. college instructors.

"I'm very flattered and very honored," Bamforth said. "At first I was a little bit nervous wondering what would be on the next page, but I'm fully clothed so it's okay."

The 58-year-old native of Great Britain is king over anything that has to do with beer at UC Davis. Since 1999 he has taught the art of brewing and malting and believes he was tapped for Playboy because he educates students responsibly.

For 20 years before landing at Davis, Bamforth did research for a brewing foundation in England and Bass Brewery, a British company dating back to the 18th century.

Now he conducts major research on how to improve brewing at UC Davis. He points to dozens of bottle beers in his lab and explained, "What you're looking at here is an experiment to test an ingredient which might improve the foam on the head of different beers."

Bamforth said the best way to pour a beer is in the middle of a glass, not down the side as many bartenders do. "You actually want a pristine clean glass with a slight scratch in the bottom," he sai