Sunday, September 26, 2010

Schools Matter: Pledge to See a Movie During This National Emergency

Schools Matter: Pledge to See a Movie During This National Emergency

Pledge to See a Movie During This National Emergency

Pledge to See a Movie During This National Emergency

Jim Horn

If you are a teacher with 28 children in your class this Fall, four of them live in poverty.

On Thursday the Census Bureau released a report showing that 1 of 7 Americans now lives in poverty. That’s 44,000,000 people who, if they live in a family of four, have a family income that is less than $22,000 per year. If it were not for unemployment benefits, another 3,300,000 would be included in the poverty figures. Even with such impressive numbers that exceed the levels of poverty for when President Johnson declared the War on Poverty in the 1960s, higher numbers of people are without health insurance, which now stands at