Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Schools’ Financial Cushion Could Get Thinner Schooled: The Education Blog Schooled: The Education Blog:
Schools’ Financial Cushion Could Get Thinner 2 articles

The San Diego Unified school board is likely to dip deeper into its reserves if Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't sign a bill to restore state funding for students with disabilities. Doing so would leave it with a thin financial cushion as the school system faces more budget cuts.

The board met tonight to go over their options after the County Office of Education put conditions on approving the San Diego Unified budget, partly because it didn't include the last minute cut to special education funds.

While state lawmakers have given the thumbs up to a bill that would reverse that cut, Gov. Schwarzenegger has yet to sign it. Phil Stover, the deputy superintendent who oversees business operations, said the bill could be signed as early as tomorrow.

If that bill passes, the school district doesn't have to dip into its reserves or find any other cuts for this coming school year. If it doesn't, the school board would have to decide