Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oprah thinks Rhee should go to Newark (and replace Janey, again?). Do you? - Washington DC Public School Teacher |

Oprah thinks Rhee should go to Newark (and replace Janey, again?). Do you? - Washington DC Public School Teacher |

Oprah thinks Rhee should go to Newark (and replace Janey, again?). Do you?

  • September 25th, 2010 10:47 am ET

Right now, former D.C. School Chief Dr. Clifford B. Janey is the superintendent of schools in Newark, New Jersey. Rhee replaced Janey in D.C. in 2007. Should she replace him again? According to the Associated Press, Oprah thinks so. Were Michelle Rhee to go to Newark, would that mean that Janey would return to the District? There has been discussion that Mayor-apparent Gray would ask Janey to return to finish the job he began. However, Janey has not been on Oprah, who lent her support behind Obama and who has the Midas touch in when it comes to books. Oprah is becoming comfortable in her political endorsements. And, make no mistake about it, the notion of replacing Janey and installing Rhee is a