Sunday, September 19, 2010

New grants seek to boost school achievement - U.S. news - Life - Education -

New grants seek to boost school achievement - U.S. news - Life - Education -

New grants seek to boost school achievement

More than 300 communities apply to become a 'Promise Neighborhood'

updated 30 minutes ago

Tesheda Mansfield grew up in the protective walls of Sunland Park Elementary, participating in beauty pageants and field day, and walking home from school in the afternoons.

Now when she looks around the South Florida community she and her four daughters call home, she sees teenage boys hanging out at all hours in a nearby park, homes in battered condition, some with wood covering the windows, and groups of men and children sitting listlessly on their front porches.

"There's a lot of parents over here that don't have a job," Mansfield, a hospital receptionist said. "Some of them don't even know how to put together a resume."

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Sunland Park Elementary was given an 'F' on Florida's annual school grades for three years in a row — only rising to a 'D' in the last school year. Ninety-nine