Saturday, September 18, 2010

Editorial: Big hearts and ugly acts conclude week - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Editorial: Big hearts and ugly acts conclude week - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Editorial: Big hearts and ugly acts conclude week

Published: Saturday, Sep. 18, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 12A

You don't have to look far to see both the good and not-so-good in people.

Sometimes, they're on the same page of the local newspaper, as in Friday's Bee.

One story reported that for the second time in a week, a swastika had defaced a midtown mural of Sacramento King Omri Casspi, the first Israeli-born player in the NBA.

If a prank, it's just stupid. If an attempted message of hate, it's vile and contemptible –

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California's top lawmakers have asked the federal government to reconsider its decision to give EdFund's student loan guaranty business to the Minnesota-based Education Credit Management Corp.

As founder of a young startup company, Ryan Stevens has assembled all the ingredients: a business plan, willing investors, an eager staff, a sleek website, plenty of marketing freebies.
The Sacramento Police Department is reaching out to area high schools asking for help in encouraging teens to obey a 10 p.m. curfew, particularly at Second Saturday.
The consul general of Mexico in Sacramento, Carlos González Gutiérrez, will discuss the historical relationship between California and Mexico when he visits Sacramento State Monday.

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