Thursday, September 30, 2010

Christine O’Donnell’s Student Loan Lies � The Quick and the Ed

Christine O’Donnell’s Student Loan Lies � The Quick and the Ed

Christine O’Donnell’s Student Loan Lies

In response to revelations that her LinkedIn profile features false claims about attending Claremont Graduate University and the University of Oxford, Republican candidate for the United State Senate Christine O’Donnell issued a statement through a P.R. firm alleging that other, unknown persons created her false LinkeIn profile back when she was a little-known cable news commentator / ex-anti-masturbation activist , and, moreover:

Perhaps a more important educational issue for Americans is the government takeover of the student loan industry, passed as part of the Obamacare law. This ill-conceived, unconstitutional government monopoly has thrown into jeopardy thousands of jobs in the private student loan