Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Washington Teacher: Finally There's Going To Be A WTU Election

The Washington Teacher: Finally There's Going To Be A WTU Election

Finally There's Going To Be A WTU Election

Your Vote Is Your Voice !
Although long overdue, members of the Washington Teachers' Union will finally have an election of officers. According to the WTU Constitution, union elections were supposed to be conducted in May with officers being installed in office on July 1, 2010. This has been a long protracted battle which began with AFT becoming involved in taking over the elections of the 15 member WTU Elections Committee in June 2010 because members had not been properly elected . Once elected, the elections committee members requested George Parker, WTU President (whose term ended June 30, 2010) to provide the necessary paperwork so that they could commence elections, Parker refused. Despite repeated appeals by elections chairperson, Claudette Carson to Parker requesting that he