Monday, August 2, 2010

This Week In Education: Thompson: Mr. President, Don't Sell Yourself Short

This Week In Education: Thompson: Mr. President, Don't Sell Yourself Short

Thompson: Mr. President, Don't Sell Yourself Short

ObamartttSurely President Obama doesn't believe what he told the Urban League last week -- that the Race to the Top is the single most important thing his administration has done to help schools. The RttT gamble could fail or succeed but it would have to be one of the great miracles of social innovation to compete with Michelle Obama's health and nutrition initiatives much less the Recovery Act, which saved districts from bankruptcy and more. Mr.

Senate: Offsets Problem In Murray-Harkin Amendment?

Picture 6CEF just put out a letter in support of the Murray-Harkin amendment that would give $10B to states to spend on education, but includes the following