Monday, August 2, 2010

School of Shock #Education
Daily EducationNews

School of Shock
8.2.10 - Jennifer Gonnerman - Eight states are sending autistic, mentally retarded, and emotionally troubled kids to a facility that punishes them with painful electric

Finding a path out of the fields
8.2.10 - Agricultural changes, income limits are causing some headaches at Head Start for migrant families. Every summer, migrant and seasonal workers trek to Illinois. As parents take to the fields, the state's migrant Head Start centers embark on the tough task of enrolling the young children in education programs that could lead to a future away from the fields.

One-third of teens with ADHD delay high school degree or drop out
8.2.10 - Teens with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely to drop out of high school or delay completing high school than other kids, a new study has found. Researchers analyzed U.S. data and found that nearly one-third of students with the most common type of ADHD either drop out or delay high school graduation. That rate is twice that of students with no psychiatric disorder. ...

Sally Ride Science Academy aims to make kids starry-eyed
8.2.10 - Ask a third-grader to draw a scientist, and you'll probably get a white-haired man dressed in a lab coat. But Sally Ride, America's first woman in space, would like to change that. Once teachers attend her Sally Ride Science Academy, she hopes those third-graders will show men and women hiking, exploring the oceans and flying in space. And maybe the scientists will resemble the young artists themselves. ...

A School District That Takes the Isolation Out of Autism
8.2.10 - MADISON, Wis. - Garner Moss has autism and when he was finishing fifth grade, his classmates made a video about him, so the new students he would meet in the bigger middle school would know what to expect. His friend Sef Vankan summed up Garner this way: "He puts a little twist in our lives we don't usually have without him." The public schools in Madison, Wis., are nationally known for including children with disabilities in regular classes. ...


Why Desegregation Must Be Secondary to Systemic Reform
8.2.10 - RiShawn Biddle - Among the dominant themes in education this year is the debate over the importance of integration and desegregation in school reform. From the Gary Orfield-Richard Kahlenberg crowd launching rhetorical volleys against

"On The Horizon" - Is D.C. Imposing on Texas' Schools?
8.1.10 - AUSTIN, Texas - There is justified outrage sweeping Texas over an attempted Washington, D.C. Power Grab that would give the federal government significant control of Texas' education dollars & school children. Ironically, the move was the initiative of Texas' own Democratic Congressman Lloyd Doggett. ...

Are we losing the magic; Do we really need highly motivated, innovative and resourceful teachers in today's classroom?
8.1.10 - Charles P. Brickman, NBCT - In the not too distant past highly motivated, innovative and resourceful teachers were especially appreciated and valued for their ability to bring the "magic" to the classroom. The "magic" of course, was the ability to motivate students to learn through innovative and resourceful applications of curriculum and subject matter that met the academic and learner readiness needs of their students.