Rise & Shine: Critics call for investigation of inflated test scores
Test score fallout:
- New state test scores widened the gap between the city’s highest and lowest performing schools. (WSJ)
- Principals worry what this year’s low pass rates on state tests will mean for their schools. (Times)
- Statewide, charter schools’ scores fell farthest, but city charters still outperformed district schools. (WSJ)
- Schools in Queens out-performed those in other boroughs on the state tests. (Daily News)
- Critics call for an investigation into inflated scores, but state ed officials want to move on. (Daily News)
- Diane Ravitch writes that the chances city and state officials will be held accountable are ”not promising.”
- The Daily News: charges that the test scores show city schools have made no progress are “bogus.”
- The Post says city students have made big gains since before the mayor took over the schools.
- A homeless Bedford Academy student won a full college scholarship. (Daily News)
- Massachusetts data links academic performance to how often students switch schools. (Boston Globe)
- KIPP charter schools in D.C. aim to double their enrollment using a $5 mill. donation. (Washington Post)
- Madison, Wisc. schools are nationally known for including students with autism into most classes. (Times)
- Sally Ride, the first woman in space, has launched a science training program for teachers. (USA Today)
- The textbook publishing market is changing as more states allow open-source texts. (Times)