Thursday, August 12, 2010 - Red tape on school expulsions 'to be axed' - Red tape on school expulsions 'to be axed'
Daily EducationNews

Red tape on school expulsions 'to be axed'
8.12.10 - Rules forcing schools to share badly behaved pupils could be scrapped, it emerged today. The Coalition said the requirement for schools to admit an unruly pupil for every one expelled would be reviewed amid fears it eroded head teachers' powers to maintain discipline.

School bullying summit's big hope: an anti-bullying tipping point
8.12.10 - The Department of Education convened its first summit on school bullying Wednesday. It comes as state lawmakers nationwide step up their efforts to pass anti-bullying laws. ...

Estimate: 1 US kid in 15 born to an illegal immigrant
8.12.10 - PHOENIX - About one out of every 15 children in the United States was born to a family in which at least one parent is in this country illegally, according to a new report issued today. And 80 percent of those 5.1 million children - including 340,000 born in just 2008 - are citizens because they were born in the United States, the Pew Hispanic Center concluded. According to some, that makes them "anchor babies" for their illegal parents. ...

Sleep affects kids in school; how much do yours need?
8.12.10 - Oh, to be the Bildens. Their three kids go to bed at a decent hour - around 9 - and sleep through the night. No little ones tiptoeing out of the bedroom for a third glass of water or fifth bathroom trip. "The embarrassing part is, I go to sleep shortly after them. I raise the white flag and crawl into bed. I get up early, by 5," says Kristin Bilden of Durham, N.C., whose three children range in age from 6 to 13. ...


$830 Billion in Student Loans: The New Mortgage Bubble
8.12.10 - Anya Kamenetz - From where I'm sitting, the buildup of the national student loan balance looks like a massive betrayal of trust. People have been told for decades that this is "good" debt. In fact it's really, really bad debt.

EdNews Reports

15-minute brain scan developed by British scientists could spot child autism earlier
8.12.10 - Children with autism could soon be diagnosed using a 15-minute brain scan developed by British scientists. Tests on adults show an accuracy rate of 90 per cent, which paves the way for detecting the condition at an earlier stage when treatment may be more effective.