Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This Week In Education: Thompson: A Cheap Shot at the Harlem Children's Zone

This Week In Education: Thompson: A Cheap Shot at the Harlem Children's Zone

Thompson: A Cheap Shot at the Harlem Children's Zone

School_work001_rcGrover Whitehurst of the Brookings Institution attacked the Harlem Children’s Zone based on the test scores of nine successful schools. I do not doubt Whitehurst's claim that three "school-centric" KIPP schools may produce significantly higher 8thgrade test scores than the HCZ’s middle school. But is KIPP planning to scale up to serve entire inner city communities? Another

Movies: School Reform Lessons From "Toy Story 3"

image from alert: Some of the biggest flaws of our current teacher assignment system are, surprisingly enough, illustrated in "Toy Story 3," the Disney / Pixar sequel in which the toys at a day care center called Sunnyside have decided that only the newly arrived toys should have to deal with the roughest students (the toddlers, in this case), and that the good kids should