Friday, July 23, 2010

This Week In Education: Rhee: Mass Firing (Of 241 Teachers) In DC

This Week In Education: Rhee: Mass Firing (Of 241 Teachers) In DC

Rhee: Mass Firing (Of 241 Teachers) In DC

Asian-carpLet the debate over using tests scores and downrating teachers re-commence! Late on a Friday afternoon the Wall Street Journal posted this story about Rhee firing 6 percent of her teachers. It's unclear how many of

EdSec: Big Duncan Speech On Tuesday

GerWord is that Duncan's going to announce something big on Tuesday at the National Press Club. Results from the World Cup office pool? His feelings about the oil spill in the Gulf? Round two winners of Race To The Top? Who knows. His official

Books: A New Offering From PBS's John Merrow

image from belowclevel.orgI'm late in noting the publication of John Merrow's new book, Below C Level, which answers all the questions you always wanted Merrow to answer (or at least all the answers he's going to give you as a journalist). Merrow is one of the more interesting figures in education journalism. He's got a face for TV -- and a voice for radio (and has