Thursday, July 1, 2010

This Week In Education: Business: Selling For-Profit Education Companies Short

This Week In Education: Business: Selling For-Profit Education Companies Short

Business: Selling For-Profit Education Companies Short

500x_toothbrush"Two renowned short sellers have been lobbying lawmakers and administration officials, warning that for-profit schools are positioned for the same kind of crash that recently hit the subprime mortgage industry." (Short sellers flag school stocksPolitico). Previous posts here, here, here.

Thompson: The Case For Edujobs

ObeyRep, David Obey says, "When a ship is sinking, you don't worry about redesigning a room, you worry about keeping it afloat" so he seeks to shift $800 million from "reforms" to the pared-down bill for saving teachers’ jobs. "Obey's proposal crystallized a debate among Democrats about federal aid to schools," but that is only the first step. At times like these, we need to pull together, and even educational consultants should sacrifice. If

AM News: Jobs Vs. Reform

Moderate Democrats Push Back on Cuts to Race to the Top, TIF EdWeek: Democrats who have supported education reform efforts are pushing back against a plan to divert funding already appropriated for the Race to the Top, the Teacher Incentive Fund, and charter schools to the education jobs bill... Lawmaker wants to shift some 'Race to the Top' funds to prevent teacher layoffsWashington Post: Lawmaker wants to shift some 'Race to the Top' funds to prevent teNews2acher layoffs...Funds for Race to the Top May Be Cut NYT: House Democrats have attached a provision to a war financing bill that would spend $10 billion to help school districts avoid teacher layoffs, paying for it, in part, with cuts to Education Department programs previously financed by last year’s stimulus bill...States, Districts Scramble on Turnaround Deadline EdWeek: Some still await federal approval—and money—for plans to overhaul poorly performing schools starting this fall... Education" style="text-decoration: none; color: rgb(51, 153, 204); ">Massachusetts: Psychiatrist Departs After Baby Einstein Controversy NYT: Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint is leaving the Judge Baker Children’s Center in Boston and closing his Media Center, which for 16 years fought harmful media influences on children... Math, reading gap among Native American students AP: Native American students at schools overseen by the federal Bureau of Indian Education performed significantly worse on national standardized tests in reading and math compared with those in public schools.... Rule tightened for exam schools The Boston School Committee tightened the residency policy last night for students applying to the city’s three exam schools to prevent out-of-towners from gaining admission.