Saturday, July 24, 2010

This Is What I Wish President Obama Would Say On Thursday | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

This Is What I Wish President Obama Would Say On Thursday | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

This Is What I Wish President Obama Would Say On Thursday

President Obama is giving what the White House is calling a “major” speech on education reform on Thursday. Here is the official White House release:
“On Thursday, July 29th at the National Urban League 100th Anniversary Convention in Washington, DC, President Obama will deliver a major education reform speech emphasizing how his signature Race to the Top program and other initiatives are driving education reform across the country and focusing the nation on the goal of preparing students for college and careers. He will highlight the unprecedented support for and adoption of common standards by a majority of states already, and the Administration’s commitment to develop the next generation of high-quality assessments benchmarked to common standards. The President’s speech will focus on the dramatic reforms that states, school districts, schools and teachers unions have undertaken over the past