Wednesday, July 14, 2010

School Tech Connect: A Specific Thing You Can Do To Make Schools Better

School Tech Connect: A Specific Thing You Can Do To Make Schools Better

A Specific Thing You Can Do To Make Schools Better

Last night's meeting with Representative Judy Chu and Diane Ravitch left me feeling pretty morose, I have to admit. Ravitch is right-- there's a stunning array of forces lined up behind the test and privatize movement in education that it seems like a lost cause.

Nevertheless, I think there's a tremendously important opportunity sitting right in front of us. It's Judy Chu's proposed change to the School Improvement Grant process.

The fact of the matter is that education policy exists on paper: it's called the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The most odious and destructive parts of that act were written in under the informal name No Child Left Behind.

No Child Left Behind added this bit of planned chaos: if your school doesn't make AYP for the same reasons for