Remainders: Why closing bad schools makes people angry
- Why does closing bad schools cause anger? Review history. (HuffPost w/ Hechinger)
- City reporters get overcrowded treatment: a move to trailers. (CityRoom)
- Relations between teachers unions and Obama are chilling. (NPR)
- A magazine tackles the dropout crisis. (Washington Monthly w/ Hechinger)
- One story looks at New York and finds promising work. (WashMonthly w/ Hechinger)
- A new parent is heading the city’s family outreach efforts. (Insideschools)
- Who will memorialize fallen students of shuttered schools? (JD2718)
- Does New York benefit if the edujobs bill undercuts RTTT? (EdWeek)
- A new book reveals what a veteran ed reporter really thinks. (LearningMatters)
- And the Education Writers Association has a new blog. (EdBeat)