Remainders: Making sense of the (adjusted) test scores | GothamSchools
Remainders: Making sense of the (adjusted) test scores | GothamSchools
- NY’s tests were shown to be faulty just as more weight is be placed on tests nationally. (NY Times)
- Bloomberg: the state test recalibration is really about “a change in definition.” (Gotham Gazette)
- NY’s next governor should investigate who dumbed the state tests down. (Chalkboard)
- An arts advocate’s blood is boiling because curriculum narrowed to cater to faulty tests. (Dewey21C)
- The case against summer vacation and how to make creativity part of it. (Time)
- Are there enough talented leaders to fill all the jobs RttT will create? (Educated Reporter)
- Part of the Gates teaching grant in Florida is support for new teachers. (St. Petersburg Times)
- Amid contract talks, new Chicago union president calls for ending TFA there. (Alexander Russo)
- A rundown of neighborhoods applying to start Promise Zones. (Paul Tough)
- Arguing that the local press misses the real problem with “gifted” education. (Sara Mead)