Sunday, July 4, 2010

NEA - Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA) #NEARA10

NEA - Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA)

2010 NEA Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA)

Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly (RA)

NEA 2010: Turning Hope into Action

New Orleans, Louisiana — June 26 - July 6, 2010


NEA Members Get It Done! House Passes $10 Billion Jobs Bill

The House of Representatives voted to approve funding that will save an estimated 138,000 educator jobs. NEA members called Congress by the hundreds, adding to more than 60,000 calls made in the weeks leading up to last night's crucial vote.

Priority Schools Campaign building army of volunteers for nation’s schools

Transforming America’s lower-performing priority schools is going to take an army of committed educators and community members.

RA Tod@y Blog 2010

Announcements: Sunday, July 4

NEA Fund for Children & Public Education

Meeting Room Changes

All meetings that were scheduled to meet in:
  • room 265 will now meet in room 284
  • room 266 will now meet in room 285
  • room 267 will now meet in room 286
  • room 268 will now meet in room 287