Thursday, July 1, 2010

My ISTE �Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech

My ISTE �Ideas and Thoughts from an EdTech


The whirlwind event that is ISTE represents for me, I tremendous learning environment. I realized after my first ISTE in 2008 that this is about people. While in the past serendipity seemed to rule my thinking, I was slightly more intentional this time around and yet left lots of room for impromptu learning. I may have crafted a near perfect learning experience for myself.

My intentional learning revolved around specific sessions I choose and specific conversations I wanted to initiate.

While I thought that ISTE did a fine job of offering variety in their sessions, I only had a handful that I felt I must attend.
Bernie Dodge (when an educator has a wikipedia article, you link to it. We don’t have many there) has always been someone I wanted to hear, and his talk about engagement was one I was hoping to listen to with Chris Lehmann who has already blogged a little about that. Chris wrote about this earlier and listening to the two of them, helped me get a better handle on this. Lynell Burmark is someone I’ve seen before but wanted to grab a few key ideas from her as I plan to present on similar ideas in the future. Nothing life changing here but certainly solid ideas I can use. There were a couple of other sessions that were okay but these two were certainly the most useful for me.

There were several conversations that I had hope to have with people