Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Eduwonk � Blog Archive � Edujobs

Eduwonk � Blog Archive � Edujobs


SEED Foundation (umbrella for SEED schools) needs a performance and evaluation manager. Great organization doing great work.
Three jobs at NACSA:

Let’s Do The Time Warp Again!

Turning around low performing articles…
I woke up today and thought it was 2004, when this blog first launched. There in The New York Times was a Michael Winerip story that, well, left a few things out. Read the story but the basic take is that federal turnaround policy is forcing a great principal out of a good school.
Russo grabs three pieces of low-hanging fruit: Is a really excellent principal representative of the overall landscape of persistently under-performing schools? The last line of the story indicates the principal isn’t actually being fired but is rather taking over the district’s school improvement work. Seems fishy? But most obvious: Federal law doesn’t hold schools accountable for the performance of students they haven’t had a least a year to teach. This is no small thing, the article states otherwise conflating taking a test with the scores being used for accountability.
But there is more than that. As the article mentions, the district did not have to even apply for this money, it