Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Democurmudgeon: Wealth Care Sycophants: Sean Duffy, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan, Tea Party Movement...

Democurmudgeon: Wealth Care Sycophants: Sean Duffy, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan, Tea Party Movement...

Wealth Care Sycophants: Sean Duffy, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan, Tea Party Movement...

Congressional candidate Sean Duffy cares more about the increased taxes on large companies and wealthy people than he does about the average Wisconsin taxpayer. The same goes for Republicans Scott Walker and Ron Johnson. And who's about to back these Wealth Care candidates; the GOP and tea party "constitutionalists." The founding fathers aren't just rolling over in their graves, their sailing back to England on the first ghost ship out.

Remember when corporate tax cuts and lower taxes on wealth were supposed to spur economic growth, trickle down "voodoo economics" they called it, after the mild 2001 recession. Now after the Great Bush Recession, how'd that work out for you? It didn't, in spades.

So why is congressional candidate, Democratic State Sen. Julie Lassa, "defending" herself against a conservative candidate fighting for "Wealth Care" in the name of "freedom and liberty?" Like the Wisconsin State Journal pointed out: