Friday, July 23, 2010

Campaign puts Trib on the defense. “We love $100K teachers!” � Fred Klonsky's blog

Campaign puts Trib on the defense. “We love $100K teachers!” � Fred Klonsky's blog

Campaign puts Trib on the defense. “We love $100K teachers!”

JULY 23, 2010
by preaprez
What a bunch of assholes!
Obviously stung by the campaign to cancel subscriptions and internet links to the Tribune company, the paper runs and editorial today that is so defensive it would make a Blagojevich attorney blush.
“We love $100,000 teachers,” the editorial board proclaims.
The Trib argues that they would be for every teacher getting more money if only “poor performance wasn’t protected by union contracts.”
Okay, my brothers and sisters on the editorial board. Here’s my offer. I’ve been teaching for 25