Tuesday, July 20, 2010

AM News: CPS Finally Releasing Magnet School Data [upd] - District 299: Chicago Public Schools Blog

AM News: CPS Finally Releasing Magnet School Data [upd] - District 299: Chicago Public Schools Blog

AM News: CPS Finally Releasing Magnet School Data [upd]

CPS set to release new data on selective and magnet school admissions Catalyst: CPS officials will release on Tuesday the long-awaited racial breakdowns of admissions to selective enrollment and magnet schools, and will announce a blue-ribbon committee to examine them... [UPDATE: Click "Read More" to see CPS release.]

Illinois Cancels State Writing Exams to Save MoneyEdWeek: The move is provoking concern that writing instruction will taper off and fewer students will master the critical skill... 'A War Out Here' Tribune: Sometimes we're reminded by one horrifying example. Sometimes it's a cumulative statistic that gets to us. And sometimes we are seized by the startling commonality of it all... Former Jesse White tumbler sues group after paralyzing injury Tribune: The Fenger High School senior had learned to make the jaw-dropping stunts look routine, just as thousands of other youngsters had done as members of the famous team named after Jesse White... Voice of the People, Jul. 20: I'm an inner-city teacher who would like to