Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Study: Phila. parents want more school-choice options | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/29/2010

Study: Phila. parents want more school-choice options | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/29/2010

Study: Phila. parents want more school-choice options

Despite the explosive growth of charter schools in Philadelphia in the last decade, city parents say they still do not have enough good choices when it comes to picking a school, Pew Charitable Trusts says in a study released Tuesday.
White parents whose children attend district schools give higher marks to the system and individual schools than do African American parents. Parents younger than 30 are among the district's "most dissatisfied customers." Nearly eight out of 10 district parents under 30 say they have considered transferring their children to Catholic, charter, or private schools.
Those are just some of the findings contained in an examination of kindergarten-through-12th-grade education in the city by Pew Trusts' Philadelphia Research Initiative.
The report, which features a poll of 802 city parents with school-age children, found that school safety was a major concern and accounts for the largest differences in how parents view their schools.

Read more: http://www.philly.com/inquirer/education/20100629_Study__Phila__parents_want_more_school-choice_options.html#ixzz0sF6WsK22
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