Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Schools Matter: New Research Finds Over-Subscribed Charter Schools with More Negative than Positive Effects

Schools Matter: New Research Finds Over-Subscribed Charter Schools with More Negative than Positive Effects

New Research Finds Over-Subscribed Charter Schools with More Negative than Positive Effects

The "gold standard" for research that the corporate charter reformers like to point to involves comparisons of lottery winners and losers in charters that are over-subscribed, i.e., more student apply than are accepted. These are the high flyers of the corporate charters, and the new study by the Feds compared lottery winners with lottery losers who attend public schools. These new finding have just quashed any remaining delusion that these test prep chain gangs can serve as replacements for public education, for either high performers or low performers. It should be noted that the research team include some rabid supporters of charters, including Paul Hill.

The one positive note in terms of test score comparisons in the entire study comes with math scores for