Monday, June 21, 2010 Lifting pupils with needs Lifting pupils with needs

Come September, a section of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Fort Lee will be occupied by 3- and 4-year-old special-needs students attending a new district preschool.
Monday, June 21, 2010
FORT LEE — Come September, a section of the Church of the Good Shepherd will be occupied by 3- and 4-year-old special-needs students attending a new district preschool.
The district currently has a half-day program for special-needs preschoolers, with morning and afternoon sessions, held in one classroom in School 2. The church's space will allow the district to bring back some of its special-needs students from other districts.
Ann Marie Bruder, district director of special services, said she saw a need for the school when she arrived in Fort Lee two years ago.
"The hope is that the earlier children receive the support, the more progress they can make when they are younger," she said.
The new school, called the Fort Lee Early Education Center, will consist of one full-day class for autistic preschoolers, one class of two half-day sessions for other