Saturday, June 26, 2010

Focus groups will discuss Boston schools, but some object - The Boston Globe

Focus groups will discuss Boston schools, but some object - The Boston Globe

Some object as schools turn to focus groups

By James Vaznis
Globe Staff / June 26, 2010
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The Boston public schools will hold 14 focus groups across the city today and tomorrow to gather advice on school closings, program expansions, and other pressing issues, with participation by invitation only.
The 14 private meetings are sparking criticism from some community organizations and parents that they are being left out of the process, which will attempt, among other things, to address the declining school enrollment that has left thousands of seats empty and the tight city


Focus groups will discuss Boston schools, but some object

The Boston public schools will hold 14 focus groups across the city today and tomorrow to gather advice on school closings, program expansions, and other pressing issues, with participation by invitation only. (By James Vaznis, Globe Staff)

Researchers say sense of touch guides impressions, decisions

Think someone is a tough customer? Maybe it is all in your head — or your fingertips. (By Elizabeth Cooney, Globe Correspondent)

N.E. researchers create functioning lung tissue

Two teams of researchers from New England have built living, breathing lung tissue in the laboratory — feats of engineering that could speed up the development of new drugs and bring researchers a step closer to the tantalizing dream of growing replacement lungs for patients. (By Carolyn Y. Johnson, Globe Staff)

BU effort offers a summer of science

For $9.50 an hour, Christina Richardson nursed ailing patients — and her own bruised dreams — during the past three summers at a Louisiana nursing home. (By June Q. Wu, Globe Correspondent)

South Hadley group completes plan to confront bullying

Nearly six months after the suicide of South Hadley student Phoebe Prince, the town is moving to overhaul its antibullying policy. (By Sydney Lupkin, Globe Correspondent)