Thursday, June 3, 2010

D.C. contract ratified by three to one. Half the teachers didn’t vote. � Fred Klonsky's blog

D.C. contract ratified by three to one. Half the teachers didn’t vote. � Fred Klonsky's blog

D.C. contract ratified by three to one. Half the teachers didnt vote.

Local contracts are local business.
That is why I get pissed when state leadership gives away our local collective bargaining rights., That is what they did here in Illinois in order to please Arne Duncan and get some Race money.
Or when politicians want to legislate away at the federal level seniority rights that have been bargained locally.
That is not to say I don’t have an opinion about another local’s decision to accept or reject a contract. For example, the DC contract that was just ratified three to one by the WTU membership. It’s their contract. They have to live with it. But I think it is a lousy deal.
Since the chancellor of D.C. schools is Michelle Rhee, and since every time Michelle Rhee passes gas it threatens to become a part of Arne Duncan’s USDE agenda, the local contract has national implications.
The D.C. contract guts seniority rights and closely aligns compensation to test scores in exchange for potential