Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another View: Bee takes 'cheap shot' at Sac union - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Another View: Bee takes 'cheap shot' at Sac union - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Another View: Bee takes 'cheap shot' at Sac union

Published: Sunday, Jun. 6, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 3E
It comes as no surprise that the anti-union Sacramento Bee would use Elk Grove's tentative agreement to attack the Sacramento City Teachers Association ("Elk Grove teachers union puts kids first," editorial, May 21.) We in the Elk Grove Education Association reject this backhanded comparison as little more than a cheap shot at SCTA. The editorial, in its zeal to strike at the Sacramento teachers' union, neglected to note the far different set of circumstances facing our two associations.
First of all, the Elk Grove teachers' contract runs through June 2010 while the Sacramento teachers' contract extends further into the future. It takes two parties to sign an agreement to make it valid. The onus is not on the teachers'

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