Monday, May 17, 2010

Turnarounds: Will Fire Teachers For Cash This Week In Education

This Week In Education

Turnarounds: Will Fire Teachers For Cash

ScreenHunter_02 May. 03 14.28Mass firings may have been narrowly avoided at Central Falls, but word is that NPR’s Claudio Sanchez is wrapping up a big segment about Beach high school in GA. You may recall that Beach as come up here before as the "next" Central Falls. Apparently the principal and teachers are being dismissed, Central Falls-style, in part due to poor performance but also in an effort to win SI funding. If that's true that money is a big part of it well that's going to drive some folks crazy, like a professional basketball team losing games in order to try and have the worst record and get a high lottery pick. The issue's also coming up in Chicago, where schools are being told that doing a turnaround gets them $2M in federal funding. Either way, more press about mass firings is a big threat to the Duncan team, who can’t afford

Business Of Ed: For-Profits Signing Homeless Up For "College"

"For- profit schools are tapping shelters and halfway houses for new students, loading them with debt and leaving taxpayers on the hook," according to this disturbing story from Bloomberg Businessweek's Daniel Golden (The Homeless at College).
What's the nonprofit/ K12 version of this, I wonder?