Rise & Shine: State, unions agree to tie teacher grades to scores | GothamSchools
Rise & Shine: State, unions agree to tie teacher grades to scores | GothamSchools
- A new state teacher evaluation system will tie grades to test scores. (Times, Wall Street Journal, Post)
- A new charter school, Explore Excel, says it will take in three grades of any school closed nearby. (Post)
- Supreme Court nominee Elana Kagan is one of many illustrious alumnae of Hunter College HS. (Times)
- Brooklyn high school students aired their movie about Dominican life at the Tribeca Film Festival. (NY1)
- Real estate brokers are wary about advertising apartments’ proximity to individual schools. (Times)
- Pro-charter school state senators say pressure by teachers unions won’t change their positions. (Post)
- High school pitchers will soon have limits on how many pitches they can throw in a game. (Daily News)
- Los Angeles will test all students in order to identify more gifted ones from minority groups. (L.A. Times)
- The Obama administration wants $375 million over five years for non-abstinence only sex ed. (Times)
- D.C.’s teachers contract will be approved, with some reforms for now going unfunded. (Washington Post)
- With money tight, D.C.’s Michelle Rhee is hiring new top-level administrators. (Washington Post)
- The proportion of students requiring remedial classes in college is at an all-time high. (AP)
- A professor argues that ed schools should give students a full year of classroom training. (L.A. Times)