Friday, May 7, 2010

Rancho Cordova Mayor Hosts Mills Student Campout — The Rancho Cordova Post

Rancho Cordova Mayor Hosts Mills Student Campout — The Rancho Cordova Post

Rancho Cordova Mayor Hosts Mills Student Campout

Post image for Rancho Cordova Mayor Hosts Mills Student Campout
Ranch Cordova Mayor Ken Cooley will hold down the fort and cook for thirty Mills Middle School students accompanied by three teachers, five parents, four siblings, two dogs, and an 11-month-old baby at a campout at New Brighton State Beach in Capitola over the weekend.
As “Wrangler in Chief” at the campsite, Cooley planned the meals, did the shopping, and will do all the cooking. “I love kids and camping so I was delighted when they asked me to participate in the first Math/Science Camp two years ago,” said Cooley, whose background includes being an Eagle Scout and a Scout leader for many years. In addition to his time, Cooley also donates the use of equipment and resources.
The entourage pulled out of the parking lot around noon on Thursday, May 6th and will return Sunday afternoon. At the campsite, the 7th and 8th grade students will do projects that emphasize math and science but will also include some English and art. They will keep daily