Sunday, May 23, 2010

New system to track student data from preschool to career


Ed Next Research Finds NCLB Has Produced Substantial National Gains In Math Skills

5.10.10 - How has the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act affected student achievement? This is no idle question

New system to track student data from preschool to career

5.23.10 - Now the state is in the midst of developing a sophisticated data system that will track students from preschool to elementary and secondary education to postsecondary education to...
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Once struggling to learn English, student now heads for Harvard med

5. 23.10 - When he moved to Milwaukee from a tiny town in Mexico, Carlos Torres couldn't speak a word of English. Not even hello or goodbye. Now, a mere dozen years later, Carlos is a...
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California bill takes aim at new Texas standards

5.23.10 - A bill introduced in California seeks to protect the country’s largest school system from the Texas Board of Education and its new social studies standards....