Friday, May 21, 2010

NCSE's Scott at Mizzou | NCSE

NCSE's Scott at Mizzou | NCSE

NCSE's Scott at Mizzou

Receiving her honorary degree from the University of Missouri, Columbia, on May 15, 2010, NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott addressed the graduating class, recommending, "Use sunscreen, and use your brains." She added, "use your brains, but use your heart, too. You'll be a better functioning organism if you use both of them." (A transcript of her address follows.) Additionally, at a banquet, she offered a few autobiographical remarks about her career in defending the teaching of evolution in the public schools — "It starts here, after all," she explained. "Because it was at the University of Missouri [where Scott earned her Ph.D.] that I was first introduced to something called 'creation science'." (A transcript of her remarks follows.)