Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: AERA Boycotts Arizona

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: AERA Boycotts Arizona

AERA Boycotts Arizona

The 25,000-member American Educational Research Assoc. has joined the growing list of organizations vowing to boycott Arizona in protest of its new immigration law.
"As education researchers, we need to be concerned about the effects this new law may have on fostering an environment of fear with consequences for students' learning, educational achievement, and attachment to and belief in the social institutions of society," said Kris Gutierrez, the group's president-elect and a researcher from the University of Colorado at Boulder.(Debra Viadero, Edweek)


I've read Fred Hess' report from AERA twice and still can figure out who he's calling, "fascists in flip-flops." Can