Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mass. panel to hold forum on Latino education -

Mass. panel to hold forum on Latino education -

Mass. panel to hold forum on Latino education

May 9, 2010
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LAWRENCE, Mass.—A governor's panel focusing on Latino education is scheduled to hold a series of hearings.
The Latino-American Advisory Commission is slated Wednesday to hold its next public forum at Northern Essex Community College in Lawrence.
The hearings are aimed at educators, Latino families, and community groups who seek to improve Latino student performance in Massachusetts.
Another hearing is scheduled for May 20 in Holyoke.
After a series of statewide hearings, the panel plans to produce a report with a list

Obama: Education a responsibility of all Americans

President Barack Obama, addressing graduates at historically black Hampton University on Sunday, said that it is the responsibility of all Americans to offer every child the type of education that will make them competitive in an economy in which a high school diploma alone is no longer enough.