Wednesday, May 12, 2010

GothamSchools - Breaking News and Analysis of the NYC Public Schools

GothamSchools - Breaking News and Analysis of the NYC Public Schools:

Rise & Shine: Chancellor Klein skeptical of new teacher evals

  • Joel Klein thinks the new teacher evaluation system is “problematical” and too vague. (Post)
  • The Post calls the evaluation agreement “dubious” because it leaves much to union negotiations.
  • Though the deal likely means more testing, it’s not clear what the local tests will look like. (DN)
  • Commissioner David Steiner: the new evaluations could pave way to individual merit pay. (DN)
  • Dan Brown, author of “The Great Expectations School,” thinks an evaluation overhaul was overdue. (DN)
  • A Long Island economist calls on NY school districts to reject budgets calling for tax increases. (Post)
  • A charter school group is running ads against seniority based layoffs, which charters don’t have. (DN)
  • Parents at P.S. 15 in Red Hook are still fighting to get PAVE charter school out of the building. (DN)
  • Gov. Paterson will introduce Rochester’s mayoral control bill into the legislature. (Gannett)
  • A spate of attacks on school children in China continues with the death of seven students. (NY Times)
  • A PA state senator and gubernatorial candidate calls for more school choice. (Wall Street Journal)
  • Michelle Obama rolled out obesity-fighting measures that may include regulation (Washington Post)

Remainders: Gap in charters’ special ed service real, but not huge