Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Food and Freedom � The Quick and the Ed

Food and Freedom � The Quick and the Ed

Food and Freedom

May 4th, 2010 | Category: Uncategorized

The DC City Council gave final approval today for new nutrition and physical education standards in the city, requiring all public schools–district and charter–to comply with new requirements for healthier school meals, free breakfast for all, and more mandated exercise time in school.
As anyone who has heard me rant about the evils of high fructose corn syrupknows, I am very supportive of healthier school lunches and increased exercise. It’s a health issue for students, and what students eat can impact their ability to pay attention and learn during the day.
But do these new mandates represent an infringement on charter schools’ autonomy? Not many people will fight against giving kids better food and more exercise, but the new requirements do show the city council’s willingness to