Monday, May 17, 2010

Eduflack: Around the Edu-Horn, May 17, 2010

Eduflack: Around the Edu-Horn, May 17, 2010

Around the Edu-Horn, May 17, 2010

When I first started this blog more than three years ago, the intent was to comment on how well the media was covering education policy issues. And while the content found on this site may deviate from that original mission, it is still very much a concern of dear ol' Eduflack.

I regularly try to refocus on this core mission, asking questions about whether the media is covering key issues, if the messaging is right, and how effective the engagement may be. Each day, I reflect on dozens of stories, announcements, and reports to see what might tickle my fancy for a particular post. Unfortunately, most of those items that tickle my fancy never make it onto the blog. There just isn't enough time in the day for me to write about everything I find of interest.

But all that time doesn't go to waste. Much of it gets posted up to my Twitter feed (@eduflack). I can't tell you how much I appreciate all those who follow me on Twitter, and how much I enjoy engaging with those of like