Monday, May 17, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education- Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Obama supports bill to avert teacher layoffs

The $23 billion package would help avert cuts at schools nationwide.
A School Survival Guide for Parents (And Everyone Else)
Posted at 6:30 AM ET, 05/17/2010

Why Obama, Duncan should have kept quiet about Rhode Island teachers

Lo and behold, several months after every teacher at a low-performing Rhode Island high school was fired so the school could get a fresh start, and after Education Secretary Arne Duncan praised the firings as an act of “courage,” and after President Obama declared that the firings showed a “sense of accountability,” well, after all of that, the teachers have been rehired.
Posted by Valerie Strauss | Permalink | Comments (6)
What's Right and Wrong With Our Schools
Posted at 10:00 PM ET, 05/16/2010

Does denying dreams help kids learn?

Denying children cherished prizes is a controversial part of the No Excuses model. The idea is to build self-restraint. It has had an impact. Former KIPP students, now adults, tell me that losing a year-end trip was the most dramatic moment of their middle school years. They are still trying to measure its influence a decade later.
Posted by Jay Mathews | Permalink | Comments (5)

President Obama. (AP)