Sunday, May 30, 2010 Texas: Patriot Group and Denis Calabrese Texas: Patriot Group and Denis Calabrese

Texas: Patriot Group and Denis Calabrese

Patriot Group and the Destruction of Teacher Unions: Denis Calabrese

I wanted to include this bit of right-wing rabid fascism and racism for all readers to see what we are up against in corporate America. What follows is the raving of a semi-literate, anti-humanist who seeks to control children and their access to their world and the points of view in it by destroying teacher unions and pensions in an effort to allow parents to ‘choose’ schools. This is done, we are told, for the teacher unions are the villains in the educational scenarios the author puts forward. Like blaming a nurse at a hospital for a failing health care system built on corporate rot and set on the pillars of religious fundamentalism, these racists and fascists are now concentrating on Texas not just for new curriculum for text books bent on elevating their counterparts and suppressing working people’s struggles against racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, and women’s rights, but to destroy the teacher union pensions so they cannot muster the struggle to continue the fight for human rights. As you will see, this is all in the name of God – a Christian God at that.

I will bold in black my response and italicize it within the article.

Readers are encouraged to see the ‘filth bowl’ that is now Texas, from