Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bill seeks to keep 4-year-olds out of California kindergartens | | Sacramento, California | Education

Bill seeks to keep 4-year-olds out of California kindergartens | | Sacramento, California | Education

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- Four-year-olds may soon find themselves shut out of kindergarten in California.
A bill moving through the state Legislature would require children to have turned 5 by Sept. 1 to begin kindergarten in that school year. The current cut-off date is Dec. 2, one of the latest in the country.
Nearly one-quarter of the state's 430,000 kindergarten students start before their 5th birthday.
Supporters of the bill, SB1381, say most 4-year-olds are simply unprepared for the rigors of today's kindergarten classrooms.
That's because kindergarten today focuses